Sunday, February 10, 2008

Could there be hope???

I know I've already successfully made mine and Ox's relationship sound habit, at best. However, today there was ray of light. Well, maybe not a ray, but a sliver...a definite peek. Anyway, I sat on his lap and told him I loved him. I expected a meager I love you in return. But instead I got a ridiculous, "You're welcome." I'm welcome??? It just made me laugh. He realized what an idiotic thing he said and he laughed too. Well, together, we laughed our a***s off. Which we haven't done in some time. It was nice.


mummyjaan said...

That is hilarious. My husband absolutely gags while saying, "ILU", so he texts them to me instead!

sissy said...

I had to laugh. I think my husband does too. It sometimes comes out as "olive juice" or something else undecipherable. Or he says it likes he's 4, thinking that acceptable. I don't know. I'll probably never get it.