Thursday, May 1, 2008

Giving Notice

As you know, I've recently gotten a job that I have really wanted for some time. I'm extremely excited and nervous and anxious and all of that good stuff. I really believe I'm heading in the right direction.

However, there is one thing that has been negative and emotional in this whole process. That's the reaction I have gotten at work regarding my inevitable departure. I am actually quite surprised and touched by all of it.

First, I want to say that when I told my manager about my leaving, she cried. That's right! Tears. How many times at a job is your boss so sad to see you leave that they cry? I was surprised and very touched. As for the girls, they are sad too. All have said how sorry they are for it, but given me many words of encouragement. They know how badly I want this. As a note, Katee will be taking over my new position. You may remember her from a recent post. She's awesome and will do great.

I don't know how many of you know what I do. I handle all of the business accounts at my bank. I mostly only deal with businesses and business owners who have accounts with us. I've had this position for almost two years. I noticed very quickly that one of the most important things to my merchants is that they get in, get there business done right and quickly. The faster they are out the happier they are. Because of this, I have worked my tail off to get faster and smoother, all the while staying accurate of course. I have succeeded very well and am rated the fastest in my position for our entire northern cal. district. Not to toot my own horn, but I have some very satisfied merchants. Katee will have to really step up to fill my spot. They now have really high expectations.

So, I have started telling my merchants that I am leaving and will be training Katee to take over. The response has been absolutely incredible. Basically, I have been forbid by all to leave! :-) They are very disappointed and don't want me to go. I am so proud that they feel so comfortable and have such confidence in me. I keep promising to work my butt off the next two weeks to get Katee up to par.

I never realized how important my job performance was to their lives and business. Their reaction has given me much pride and honor. I am genuinely surprised. I wish I had realized before how much it meant to them that I did my job so well.

The funny part is that a customer got me my new job. She works at the courthouse. She is married to one of my merchants who, I was told, is a major a-hole and never satisfied. Well, I was scared of him. However, right after taking over the job I won him over and he has been nothing but nice and kind and polite. He consistently praises me and vows I can't leave. It's ironic that I'm leaving because of his wife. He laughed, wished me well. I joked today when the both of them came in that I am leaving you for your wife!!

I know this is all stuff that probably bores you to tears, but I feel good writing about it. It's the best experience I've ever had working a job, and the hardest job to leave.

But my futures is calling me....Sissy....Sissy....I'm here, come and get me!!



Hunters Glory said...

You sound like you have earned every opportunity that is coming your way. Hard work does pay off and you now get to reap those benefits!

It has to be sooooo satisfying to you that you are going to be missed by so many! You have every reason to be excited and proud.

Now for Katee, how does her custoemrs feel about this? lol....

non compos mentis said...

Hi... u know waht?, im not surprised by their responses... they really seem to be such a good person that anyone would miss u...

chikku :)

sissy said...

Thanks for the props. As for Katee's customers, they'll probably still try and bug her. I'm more worried that my customers are gonna be let down with Katee, she's not very fast moving. But she'll no doubt step up when she realizes she getting behind.

Thanks. You really give me a lot of great credit, probably more than I deserve. But I'll take it.