Friday, May 7, 2010

Blessing or Curse, you decide!

Well, for two days now I have been mute! I have laryngitis. Now, to someone like me, you may as well as inject with the plague. Okay, that's extreme. However, I am a talker and a talker without a voice is just, well, a mime!

That's my take on it. Ask the others in the house, maybe it's not so bad. The kids haven't been yelled at in two days and I'm guessing that's alright with them. The downside of that is that in order to get their attention I'm resorting to throwing things! Probably not a good thing.

This can't go on much longer. I can't even work. Try talking to people through 3 inch bullet proof glass when you can't raise your voice above a whimper. So I'm using vacation time, which sucks. I figured I'd make it worthwile at least and clean my house while I have this time. Nope! Not happening. Took about three seconds of breathing the fumes from the cleaning supplies before my throat started to feel like it was being caressed with sand paper! Then the gagging started and don't get me going on that!