Sunday, March 30, 2008

Topic of the Day


This is a pretty extensive subject so I doubt I'll even come close to touching on every possible aspect, opinion, belief and story there is regarding it. I'll do my best to cover the parts that have interest to me. Keeping in mind that whatever I'm writing here is all about opinion and experiences and that there is no more to it than that. We all have our beliefs regarding this vast subject and the odds are that whatever I may say, whatever my opinion is, it's likely to be offensive to someone. And I certainly am not doing it on purpose.

I'm using the term 'ghost' loosely. In saying it what I mean are basically things that relate to not only ghosts but spirits, entities, hauntings and so on. I'm simply generalizing by saying ghosts.

Let me start by saying that I do believe. Do I believe in the idea that when we die we are left roaming the planet, sometimes angry, sometimes lonely and in search of closure or something to fill the emptiness death has brought? No, not really. But I do believe there is something. I'll be the first to admit that 'something' is very broad. But too much has happened in this world for there to not be some sort of 'other world' out there. And yes, I believe, death may not always lead us to happy place we so hope it will.

Firstly, I'm just going to discuss some things that have occurred to me personally in my life. After that, I'll share a little about my family experiences. There are plenty, too many for one post, so I'll be brief.

My first experience with something that was not of this world was when I was 13. Before I share it I'll give you a brief story first.

Growing up my dad had two cousins. The three of them were all born a few days apart. One of the boys shot himself as a teenager. My dad and the remaining cousin became like brothers. They were constantly together, best friends. The cousin even lived with him. And this cousin was infatuated with death and the hereafter. Very long story short: my dad's cousin also killed himself, hung in the garage. This devastated my father. A note was left for my father but destroyed by cousins mother. FAther never knew what it said. More devastation. For some time life was unbearable. Cousin always told my father he would come, that death was not the end.

Ok, I'm 13. The cousin had been dead many, many years before I was born. Due to cousins supernatural fear of pictures he only had his picture taken a few times, as a child. I'm sitting on my living room floor in front of the TV, father and step mom on couch. I look over into our kitchen and walking across the floor and through a wall is a man. I was stunned and frozen. I also knew he was, the cousin. Even though I had never seen him. I described what I had seen and felt to father, he was shocked with my description of the cousin I had never seen. I knew then life went beyond death.

I never saw him again.

But there were other things. I had a stereo that played music each morning, even after I unplugged it. There was no battery compartment. I had a musical doll that used to wind herself and start singing the middle of the night. I had a Simon Says game that would play on its own, with no batteries.

These were little things. During my teenage years I became obsessed with the afterlife, I had to have answers. I began using any form of medium I could to find these answers. I used tarot cards, Ouija boards, seances. I tried it all. And much of it worked, I'm sorry to say. I learned too much, experienced too much and became vulnerable to many things. I changed.

I can't go into that. Not now. Maybe sometime. But not now. It was bad. I got out and found my way back. But not before learning and changing. You may not believe in those things and feel my experience was emotional and psychological and I'm ok with you believing that, it helps me to think the same thing, when I can. But I know better.

My grandmother was also a 'user' of these methods. I didn't know she was but found out later. She encouraged my delving into these things and shared many things here life. The spirit world was all around my grandmother's home, even effecting the life of my mother.

A spirit lived with here, followed her for many years. Charlie. My mother witnessed his presence herself. He was not afraid to be known. By the time I was born Charlie had left. My guess is it was around the time my grandmother had cancer for the first time.

She died and less than a year later my cousin drowned. I was deeply effected by the loss of both. My cousin and I were the same age, a month apart and I loved him so very much. Around this time, I began having dreams about the both of them. I still do. And I feel in my heart that they are communicating with me. Ok, I really have no damn clue what they could possibly be saying, but I feel them when it happens. I smell them. I can't explain it. Again, the mind is powerful and capable of many things so who knows? I'm only expressing how it is and was for me.

It has been some time since anything too dramatic has happened to me, I believe I have succeeded in breaking all ties with these things. And that's ok with me. I really don't want to be a part of it. Life is for the living. And I'm alive. In death, I'm sure I'll have more than enough answers. Maybe more than I even anticipate.

The reason I chose this subject wasn't to convince anyone that I'm looney tunes, though maybe I am. I just wanted to say that I believe death is only beginning...

...then who knows???



non compos mentis said...

Dont u think reading this post alone in a room with all lights off at 11.30pm could be scary??? well thats what i did just now... :(

i'l write in detail tmrw...Sj s calling me 2 sleep...

non compos mentis said...

God... had a tough tme last night after i read this alone..Sj wants all the lights off to sleep...

okai, now last week i had started to write something about ghosts , but couldn't complete it.I dont know if i believe in ghostd r not..but im scared.When i get scared[like last night], i convince myself there r no ghosts...we used to try something like calling the ghosts to predict our future wiht candles and coins n all.But t never worked other than just once when we actually heard a voice and got scraed n stopped it all. We have a TV here which works by itself if plugged in even if the TV is switched off with remote.Now Sj says thats some sort of conectn plm n its that way since years.But i have heard other scary stories from people who r close to me...Now i'l tell u what the Hindus believe about death.Its like, if we have a normal death,we go to heaven n take rebirth...But if the death is a suicide or murder or something that killed a person without actually finishing his whole life onearth, then his soul wanders around in earth.We actually have a lot of poojas,religious rituals carried out to send them away from earth to heaven...We even have a ritual in which we feed the crows every year on their death anniversaries wherein they r believed to visit and take that food.Its believed that for a person who had nornal death, this is to done for just 13 years as after that the soul moves to the heaven.Now a doubt i have is, see these spirits or souls, they take a body to reside when born right, but after they r dead and the body is gone, how can they look the same... i feel spirits are shapeless,like light or wind... don know.Im actually scared to know more about all these.. but if u know mofre, i really would like to know.. u said u have gone deep into these things rite...Now, another of my doubt, is cant many of these things be our illusions...Since we have these feelings in us since childhood,cent we just be feeling them this way...well, dont feeling scared even while typing these..but i would really love to know the things u know...

sissy said...

it's a tough subject to talk about and too really grasp hold of. on any level actually. i say this because there is so often an 'explanation.' like sj said about the connection. or, a more common explanation is that our minds are horribly imaginative and have a lot of power over our lives, sometimes manifesting itself in ways that make us believe it's something supernatural. and, in all reality, i really have no way of proving that isn't the case with even myself. all i have is my memories and my personal accounts. i definitely would like to share more with you. and i think i actually will. it's a tender subject and brings pain to me, but i do want to share it. give me some time to adjust to the thought of letting it out after i worked so hard to put it away. but i know my feelings are safe with you...

non compos mentis said...

Sissy,you can trust me with ur feelings.But if you think recollectiing all that would be painful, i think its alrite if you wouldn't share it.It must be difficult to repress these thoughts again after you bring them up.

Hey, I doubt u have missed a few comments have left in the previos posts...

chikku :)

sissy said...

i have a feeling i miss comments often. i try not to. LOL

non compos mentis said...

yeah...that happens to me too... but i have kept the comments to my e-mail option turned on.So in case i miss it here, i get it there...

chikku :)

sissy said...

yeah...i should do that too. hey, you're really smart!! LOL