Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm an Odd Card & No One Gets Me

Brief Note: I'm changing the topic of the day, eliminating it actually. Now that I'm back at work full time I can't get online every day, so I'll get on when I can.


Ok, the title of this blog kind of implies that I'm whining and upset about being the odd card and that no one gets me. The truth of the matter is just the opposite, I actually really like being the one that is different and hard to get. I don't see it as a bad thing, except when I say something I think is extremely funny and yet everyone is looking at me as if I just made a racial joke at an NAACP meeting. (as a note: this would never be me, I'm not that odd or rude).

The thing about me is that I sometimes laugh at things in life, things people say or parts of movies that I find hilarious, and yet I find I'm often the only one laughing. My sense of humor is, at best, odd. Like me.

I look at things a lot differently than most people. I just have different ways of thinking. It tends to make the odd man out. And it's ok with me. Truth is, I think it's us odd ones that make life more interesting. I may come off as weird or even snobby, but I'm not. I just see things from a unique angle.

Happy to be Weird,


Hunters Glory said...

Remember we are all unique, just like everybody else!

(I too am a bit off center in my humor so I understand the looks and misunderstanding thing which you speak of)

non compos mentis said...

Hi dear..
Hey, i didn't find u weird... but u do thing different about a lot of things..i could feel that from a few the one about the war..i really enjoyed reading that one... n i feel its great to be different... its so easy to follow the current, toughest r the ones who try the other way... u r a great human glad i met u here...

sissy said...

chikku...ur the best. thanks. i thought i might offend talking about the war, but you know, i have no shame about it. i have my thoughts and feelings about it, as does everyone. i'm just glad we met too.

huntersglory- yeah, my oddball ways tend to flow quite gratuitously out my mouth and land me in touchy situations...but it's never boring!
