Monday, April 21, 2008

A small laugh

I have a friend here that is a writer. He frequents the bank and we have many conversations about great literature and films and so on. In reality, if he comes in I often neglect other work. It's true. I'm ashamed!! Anyway, he's very clever and I like talking to him. He's older and has been around. He even knew Harper Lee, who wrote the amazing novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". Well, this author friend of mine wrote a book called "The Court of the Lion". It's a very long, intense novel about the Tang dynasty. Very serious and detailed. Not a light read. Anyway, I digress. He came in today and we were talking about his current venture, a new book. He decided to share a funny story. He had written a few chapters and sent them to his editor who wrote back, wanting to know why he finds it necessary to write about a crap filled lake. Huh??? Dan is thinking wtf is she talking about??? Long story short, he meant to write about the CARP filled lake!!! But spell check didn't catch it because crap is a word!! Ok, maybe it's not as funny writing or reading about it as it was when he was telling me today, but I think if you use your imagination you can picture the scenario. I busted out laughing!! I couldn't stop and had to actually take a break to calm down. I don't know if it was the way he told it, or the idea of a crap filled lake, but it struck me as hilarious. Just thought I'd share some humor....


non compos mentis said...

that really was funny... i wish i had heard it directly from him as that would have been more funny than readin git... but u have done your best... i still ended up laughng.... "CRAP filled lake"

Hunters Glory said...

Crap that was funny! I mean really...crap it really was funny!! lol:)

sissy said...

it was much funnier when dan said it. i try to get the nuances, but it's not the same.

hunters glory- make me laugh. thanks.