Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Topic of the Day

Being Faithful

Ok, this is a touchy subject. Not because I'm unfaithful, I'm not, nor have I ever been to even the biggest jerks I've dated. And there have been plenty of those. I have been cheated on though. I think it's touchy because there have been so many unfaithful people for so many reasons.

Now, I have to ask: is there ever a legitimate or acceptable reason to cheat? Personally, I have to say no. That's just me. I figure if you're that damn miserable and are thinking of or want to cheat then you either need to deal with some issues or get out of the relationship. But don't cheat. It demeans you as much as well as possibly hurting someone very badly.

That said, I can understand how it can be difficult for a person to stay faithful. The truth is, there are times with everyone that I think the opportunity to cheat makes itself present.

Personally, since I've lost a lot of weight I have been hit on much more than I have in a very long time, and by a few young, good looking guys, as well as others. Anyway, as you may know, my marriage is not perfect, and sometimes I question if it will survive. This being the case, being hit on by anyone, especially a young hot guy, absolutely sends my head spinning with flattering and pride. Ok, if these guys saw me without my clothes they'd realize that losing a lot of weight fast leaves its own ugly visuals, but that's not the point.

The point is, it feels good to know that you're attracting people and that you still 'got it'. Especially if you haven't been told that very much at home. One thing I can say for Ox is that he does continually make me feel beautiful, even if he also makes me feel like he thinks I'm an idiot. Again, that's a post for another day.

So, does misery at home justify infidelity? No, of course not. Is there anything that does? What if one person is terminally ill, long term, no chance of recovery. They decide you should cheat, that you need that physical connection and since they can't give it to you, you should find it somewhere else. Is it ok then? Still, no, for me.

I just think it's not right, regardless of the circumstances. Even if they cheat on you first. My gosh, leave them already if they're cheaters anyway.

The only reason I'm choosing to write about this is because I see a lot of cheating and it bothers me. Even if you're not married, but have made a committment of any kind to each other, it is still wrong. But what I wanted to make clear is that even though I am adamant about disagreeing with cheating because I've seen what it can do, I can understand the temptation.

The want and need to feel loved and desired never dies. We never stop wanting to be wanted. Yet, many times this need falls short after years of togetherness and then you begin to not feel as wanted, needed or desired. Things have slowed down and the passion isn't what it used to be. During these times I understand a person being tempted. We never stop being attracted to people. Heck, I still like looking at good looking guys, but I just look.

I think there's a point to this somewhere. That point being that relationships are hard. They change. People change. Life happens. But regardless of that we should always make a point to let our significant others that they are still sexy and wanted and loved. And we should make the time for each other, even when life is its busiest. Being a couple takes work, commitment is tough.

But, as they say, anything worth having is worth working for.



non compos mentis said...

Wow!!!Great post.. i really seeem to be a wonderful person.I think i understand what u r tryin to say about the "make me feel like an idiot"... i feel the same some times.Infact our whole honeymoon was a lighter worsion of the movie Just Married...lol...I think these guys dont realize they are hurting us when they talk to us that way.I have felt exactly the same way u mentionedmany times.But something i realized is that nomater what, they love us a lot and would be broken w/o us.They just don realize/accept it to us.One thing i do is that i tell Sj when i dont like something he said or when when he doesn't appreciate me...lol..that sounds crazy...me telling him.."u didn't tell me i looked good in that dress"..lol.. but yeah, i do that crazy thing...i act so sad about it and try not to let my irritation out[most difficlt part...lol]...then atleast nxt time he makes an effort to me cuz he knows i like it... n when i haer it, even if i know its the result of what i said, i still feel good cuz atleast i know he is making an effort...now, i think im just the only person on earth who does that..lol...Initially i thought it was just in my life that things aren't always bed of roses... but then i knew from close frenz that all husbands are the same..in some way or the other , they all take their wives for granted w/o realizing the harm...Basically.. they need us to survive...yeah, when i see a good lookin guy, nxt thing i do is to tell Sj how hot he looks..lol... i don knw if he feels jealous,i think he does...lol...

chikku :)

sissy said...

yeah, i think my husband gets jealous too. he came to work and had lunch with me and when we came back a young (really cute) guy waved at me. he didn't say anything but i saw his face and think he was like 'wtf?'. anyway, i know he couldn't survive without me. lol. when we were married would constantly accuse me of telling him what to do and now he can't even pick a pair of shoes out without asking me! it's funny. but he's really great about making me feel beautiful and attractive, he gets lots of props for that. he's never slacked in that area. frankly, at times i can be a bigger ass. anyway, sorry for the delay, i'm having issues with my back again at work and haven't wanted to sit at the computer for long. i'll be back tonight. we're going to see nim's island. talk to you later.