Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Topic of the Day


I am proud to be an American. Extremely proud. I love my country and am grateful I was born here and not somewhere else. I am so appreciative of the rights I have as American. I hear about the lives of other humans who are not lucky enough to be American and what they sometimes go through and I am even more grateful. Do I love everything that or country does? Or the way we handle all of our issues? Do I think we make mistakes? You bet I do. But I still can't imagine not loving this country.

I'd be the first to admit that one of the things that frustrates me more than anything is the criminal justice system we have. It is lenient and often hypocritical. We haven't done a great job of deterring crime or stopping criminals. And it just seems like it isn't changing.

However, at least in this country we are given a lawyer and trial with a chance to defend ourselves. In many countries this is a luxury they do not have. Though I feel this right to abused at times, I wouldn't trade it.

I also dislike that we seem to forget some of the more serious issues we have here in our own country in exchange for focusing on the same issues in other countries. We have a great deal of homeless people, we have starving people, hungry children, poverty and famine. Granted, our poverty isn't as relevant as other countries, but they are our people. We have plenty of our own children who are starving and living in filth. These are our responsibilities. Why do we try to cure famine across the globe when we haven't cured it here? In many states these families don't even have the option of welfare.

Yet, I still stand firm that this is the greatest country to live in. I say it because here I am writing this and I have no fear for my life doing so. I may spark hate mail, and I love that too. I love that we can express who we are, what we love and believe without fear of our government arresting or even killing us.

We have a long way to go, but who doesn't?

Right now is the time to love this country. We have lost 4,000 people in the Middle East. Good people with families and loved ones and dreams for their futures. Those people have given their lives for us. You may not agree that they are over there and feel as if they died senselessly, that's your American right. But, regardless, they were still over there doing there duty, fighting for their country, dying as soldiers who love their country and that should never, ever be looked at as a horror. Tragic and sad, yes. But we still need to be proud of them. They are over there for all of us, not just for those who support the war. By saying their deaths are senseless we are giving their choice to serve no respect and no admiration. Support the war, or not, but always support our people.

I happen to be firm believer that if you don't like this country then get out. No one is forcing you to stay here. There's no animosity here. But if you're that miserable with us maybe you would be happier somewhere else.

Anyway, being an American is an honor and a privalege that we should all be proud of.

But that's just me.


non compos mentis said...

So well written and said.Even im so happy that i could stay in this country.This blog is more like a Mark Anthony speech.... very well written...

sissy said...

Thanks Chikku, I appreciate it.