Friday, February 8, 2008

Who am I?

I'm inspired by a fellow blogger (thank you) to do this post. Though I will not be so thieve-ish as to steal the clever title, nor will I do this each Friday (or maybe I will, who knows?). But for now, here are some parts of me.
I wish I was in Ireland right now!!
I read an entire book yesterday.
Wearing red makes me a different person.
I have extremely vivid dreams of having wings.
I live to question the norm.
I would be happy being a student forever.
My grandfather was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed.
I'm six inches taller than my older brother.
I love the autonomy of art.
I don't really believe life is anything like a box of chocolates, but it sounds nice.
I think the sexiest man alive is the man who has lips I can't quit kissing no matter how I try.
I hate sharks, but love the ocean.
Dreams are not wishes our heart makes, otherwise I'd be wishing to fall down an elevator shaft.
I'm horrible at math yet have spent all my life working at casinos and banks.
Justin Timberlake is not sexy, and it never he didn't bring it back.
I eat three pounds of butter on my popcorn and have no guilt.
Field of Dreams is the best movie ever.