Saturday, February 23, 2008

What? A day!!

I'm not doing a topic of the day today because I am just exhausted. So I'm making it short. We got up early and drove to the city to do some camera shopping. We spent all day and too much money but still didn't get a camera!! Oh well. Piglet got her first loose tooth today, so she is extremely proud and excited. She keeps wondering why it's taking so long!! On the way home I got hit with a spur of the moment request from Slim if we could stop in another town on the way home so she can meet her two half sisters that she only recently became in contact with. That was my doing ( a long emotional story for later). But they've been allowed to be in contact. So we stopped. I was nervous as a mouse in a cat store. But it worked out. I wasn't excited about sitting with the mother's and discussing our mutual past. However, Slim was so happy when we left. She said she felt like a part of her found where it finally fits. That was worth the whole thing. I'm glad I did it. I'm hoping it's going to be good thing for her. I know how much I love my sister (who is also only half). I love that kid.
Thanks for listening,